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Hi, I'm Scott G. Smith. Welcome to my profile!

Scott G. Smith's Bio:

Scott G Smith is bent on changing the world one mind at a time. His philosophy is thatif you change your mind you'll change your life. When he is not running his Tech Company, he is either working out, training clients, traveling the world as a featured keynot speaker or doing what he loves the most. Spending time with his family is extremely important. Scott G. Smith is a family man with 6 children and 2 grandchildren. He and His lovely wife, Akilah own a numbe of businesses together and are living their dream. As a mentor and Neuro Linguistic Programing practitioner, There are a number of ways that Scott G. Smith can achieve success with his consulting clients. He has the utmost commitment to their success and his passion runs over.

Scott G. Smith's Experience:

  • Self-Employed

Scott G. Smith's Education:

  • Howard University

  • Washington High School

Scott G. Smith's Interests & Activities:

Sales and Marketing, Internet companies, Technological advances, Sociology and Anthropology, Reading, Jazz and Bodybuilding

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